Bottom 8 R H E
Rays 1 6 2
Guardians 5 6 1
Bottom 8 R H E
Rays 1 6 2
Guardians 6 7 1

Jose Ramirez Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .000 .266
OBP .333 .325
At Bats 2 578
Hits 0 154
• Singles 0 85
• Doubles 0 33
• Triples 0 1
• Home Runs 0 35
Walks 1 52
RBI’s 0 113

Hunter Bigge Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
0 0 0
Progressive Field - September 14, 2024
Hunter Bigge
Logan Driscoll
Brandon Lowe
Jose Caballero
Junior Caminero
Taylor Walls
Josh Lowe
Jose Siri
Jonny DeLuca
Jose Ramirez
Count: 1-1, 1 Out
Count: 1-1, 1 Out
Very Slow 

Ramirez hits a drive into right field. That ball is out of here. A solo home run.

Bottom 8 Thomas hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. A solo home run.
Bottom 8 Hunter Bigge replaces Tyler Alexander as Pitcher. Martinez strikes out swinging.
Top 8 Diaz hits a fly ball towards right. Noel is there to make the catch.
Top 8 Lowe hits a fly ball towards left. Martinez makes the catch for the out.
Top 8 Caminero hits a fly ball into center field. That will be extra bases. Caminero is safe at second with a double. DeLuca scores.
Top 8 DeLuca hits a ground ball towards third. Ramirez has it, but juggles the ball. DeLuca reaches on the error. DeLuca is on 1st.
Top 8 Hunter Gaddis replaces Tim Herrin as Pitcher. Driscoll hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Driscoll is out.
Bottom 7 Hedges strikes out swinging.
Bottom 7 Rocchio hits a popup beyond second. Caballero gets back and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 7 Noel hits a fly ball towards center. Siri makes the catch for the out.
Top 7 Walls is called out on strikes.
Top 7 Siri strikes out swinging.
Top 7 Lowe hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Top 7 Tim Herrin replaces Cade Smith as Pitcher. Caballero hits a fly ball towards left. Martinez makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 6 Gimenez hits a ground ball to third. There's the throw to second for one, and over to first, double play.
Bottom 6 Fry hits a fly ball towards left. Lowe makes the catch for the out. Ramirez scores. That's a sacrifice fly.
Bottom 6 Naylor hits a ground ball, base hit into center field. Martinez scores. Thomas scores. Ramirez moves to 3rd.
Bottom 6 Ramirez is walked intentionally, and takes first base.
Bottom 6 Thomas hits a ground ball into left field. That will be extra bases. Thomas is safe at second with a double. Martinez moves to 3rd.
Bottom 6 That is ball 4. Martinez is on with a walk.
Top 6 Diaz strikes out swinging.
Top 6 Lowe strikes out swinging.
Top 6 Caminero hits a fly ball into left field. That will be extra bases. Caminero is safe at second with a double.
Top 6 Cade Smith replaces Joey Cantillo as Pitcher. DeLuca strikes out swinging.
Bottom 5 Tag play Challenged by CLE manager (Stephen Vogt): Original call upheld upon review. Hedges strikes out swinging.
Bottom 5 Rocchio hits a line drive into right field. That will be extra bases. Rocchio is safe at second with a double. Gimenez scores. Rocchio moves to 3rd.
Bottom 5 There goes Gimenez, and he's safe at third with a stolen base.
Bottom 5 Noel hits a ground ball towards third. Caminero has it, but juggles the ball. Noel reaches on the error. Noel is on 1st.
Bottom 5 Gimenez hits a ball towards the mound. Alexander can't make the play in time. Gimenez gets a base hit. Gimenez moves to 2nd on an error by Alexander.
Bottom 5 Fry hits a popup towards short. Walls makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Driscoll hits a ground ball towards first. Fry fields it and makes the out, unassisted.
Top 5 Tag play Challenged by CLE manager (Stephen Vogt): Original call overturned as shown. Walls hits a popup beyond second. Gimenez gets back and makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Siri hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Top 5 There goes Lowe , and he's safe at second with a stolen base.
Top 5 That is ball 4. Lowe is on with a walk.
Bottom 4 Naylor hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Naylor is out.
Bottom 4 Ramirez hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Ramirez is out.
Bottom 4 Thomas hits a popup beyond second. Caballero gets back and makes the catch for the out.
Top 4 Caballero strikes out swinging.
Top 4 Diaz hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Diaz is out.
Top 4 Lowe softly hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Lowe is out.
Top 4 Caminero hits a line drive into left field. That will be extra bases. Caminero is safe at second with a double.
Bottom 3 Martinez softly hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Martinez is out.
Bottom 3 Hedges hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Hedges is out.
Bottom 3 Tyler Alexander replaces Drew Rasmussen as Pitcher. Rocchio hits a fly ball towards left. Lowe makes the catch for the out.
Top 3 DeLuca hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and DeLuca is out.
Top 3 Driscoll strikes out swinging.
Top 3 Walls strikes out swinging.
Bottom 2 Noel hits a ground ball towards third. Caminero throws to second to get Fry.
Bottom 2 Gimenez strikes out swinging.
Bottom 2 Fry hits a line drive, base hit into center field.
Bottom 2 Naylor strikes out swinging.
Top 2 Siri is called out on strikes.
Top 2 Lowe strikes out swinging.
Top 2 Caballero hits a popup, foul, behind the plate. Hedges makes the catch for the out.
Top 2 Diaz hits a ground ball, base hit into left field.
Bottom 1 Ramirez hits a line drive deep towards right center field. Siri is there to make the catch.
Bottom 1 Thomas hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Thomas is out.
Bottom 1 Martinez hits a fly ball towards center. Siri makes the catch for the out.
Top 1 Lowe hits a fly ball towards right. Noel is there to make the catch.
Top 1 Caminero strikes out swinging.
Top 1 DeLuca softly hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and DeLuca is out.