Bottom 7 R H E
Diamondbacks 5 9 1
Astros 11 13 0
Bottom 7 R H E
Diamondbacks 5 9 1
Astros 11 13 0

Yordan Alvarez Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .750 .311
OBP .750 .397
At Bats 4 501
Hits 3 156
• Singles 2 91
• Doubles 1 31
• Triples 0 2
• Home Runs 0 32
Walks 0 63
RBI’s 1 84

Slade Cecconi Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
0 0 0
Minute Maid Park - September 7, 2024
Slade Cecconi
Jose Herrera
Christian Walker
Kevin Newman
Eugenio Suarez
Geraldo Perdomo
Randal Grichuk
Jake McCarthy
Corbin Carroll
Yordan Alvarez
Count: 0-2, 2 Outs
Count: 0-2, 0 Outs
Very Slow 

Alvarez strikes out swinging.

Bottom 7 Altuve hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. A solo home run.
Bottom 7 McCormick hits a fly ball towards left. Grichuk makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 7 Slade Cecconi replaces Joe Mantiply as Pitcher. Gamel strikes out swinging.
Top 7 Bryan Abreu replaces Caleb Ferguson as Pitcher. Suarez hits a fly ball towards center. Meyers makes the catch for the out.
Top 7 Walker hits a ball towards the mound. Ferguson can't make the play in time. Walker gets a base hit. Herrera scores. Marte moves to 3rd.
Top 7 Grichuk hits a fly ball towards center. Meyers makes the catch for the out.
Top 7 Carroll hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Carroll is out. Herrera moves to 3rd. Marte moves to 2nd.
Top 7 Marte is hit by the pitch. Herrera moves to 2nd. Marte is on 1st.
Top 7 Caleb Ferguson replaces Yusei Kikuchi as Pitcher. Herrera hits a ground ball, base hit into left field.
Bottom 6 Meyers strikes out swinging.
Bottom 6 Joe Mantiply replaces Dylan Floro as Pitcher. Caratini hits a fly ball towards right. Carroll is there to make the catch.
Bottom 6 Pena hits a drive into right center field. That ball is gone. Diaz scores. Bregman scores. A 3 run home run.
Bottom 6 Bregman hits a ball towards third. Suarez can't make the play in time. Bregman gets a base hit. Altuve scores. Diaz moves to 2nd.
Bottom 6 Diaz hits a ground ball, base hit into center field. McCormick scores. Altuve moves to 3rd.
Bottom 6 Alvarez hits a line drive towards right center field. Carroll is there to make the catch.
Bottom 6 Altuve hits a ball towards short. Perdomo can't make the play in time. Altuve gets a base hit. McCormick moves to 2nd.
Bottom 6 McCormick hits a line drive, base hit into center field.
Top 6 Perdomo hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Perdomo is out.
Top 6 Newman strikes out swinging.
Top 6 McCarthy hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and McCarthy is out.
Top 6 Suarez hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. A solo home run.
Bottom 5 Gamel hits a ground ball towards first. There's the throw to Floro covering, and Gamel is out.
Bottom 5 Meyers is called out on strikes.
Bottom 5 Dylan Floro replaces Eduardo Rodriguez as Pitcher. Caratini hits a ground ball towards first. There's the throw to Floro covering, and Caratini is out.
Top 5 Walker hits a popup towards short. Pena makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Grichuk hits a ground ball towards third. Bregman throws to second to get Carroll. Herrera moves to 3rd. Grichuk is on 1st.
Top 5 Carroll hits a ground ball, base hit into right field. Herrera moves to 2nd.
Top 5 Marte strikes out swinging.
Top 5 There's a wild pitch. Herrera is on 1st.
Bottom 4 Pena hits a fly ball towards center. McCarthy makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 4 That is ball 4. Bregman is on with a walk. McCormick scores. Alvarez moves to 3rd. Diaz moves to 2nd.
Bottom 4 Diaz hits a ball towards third. Suarez makes a fielder's choice. McCormick moves to 3rd. Alvarez moves to 2nd. Diaz is on 1st.
Bottom 4 Alvarez hits a line drive, base hit into center field. Gamel scores. McCormick moves to 2nd.
Bottom 4 Altuve hits a popup towards short. Perdomo makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 4 McCormick hits a ground ball, base hit into left field. Caratini scores. Meyers scores. Gamel moves to 2nd.
Bottom 4 That is ball 4. Gamel is on with a walk. Caratini moves to 3rd. Meyers moves to 2nd.
Bottom 4 Meyers is hit by the pitch. Caratini moves to 2nd. Meyers is on 1st.
Bottom 4 That is ball 4. Caratini is on with a walk.
Bottom 4 Pena hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Pena is out.
Top 4 Perdomo hits a popup,foul, off the third base line. Pena makes the catch for the out.
Top 4 Newman hits a drive into left center field. That ball is out of here. A solo home run.
Top 4 McCarthy hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and McCarthy is out.
Top 4 Suarez hits a fly ball towards right. Gamel is there to make the catch.
Bottom 3 Bregman hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Bregman is out.
Bottom 3 Diaz hits a ground ball to short. There's the throw to second for one, and over to first, double play. Altuve scores.
Bottom 3 Alvarez hits a ground ball, base hit into center field. Altuve moves to 3rd.
Bottom 3 Altuve hits a line drive into left center field. That will be extra bases. Altuve is safe at second with a double.
Top 3 Walker hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Walker is out.
Top 3 Grichuk hits a fly ball towards center. Meyers makes the catch for the out.
Top 3 Carroll hits a ground ball towards first. There's the throw to Kikuchi covering, and Carroll is out.
Bottom 2 McCormick hits a ground ball towards short. Perdomo throws to second to get Caratini.
Bottom 2 Gamel hits a fly ball towards center. McCarthy makes the catch for the out. Pena moves to 3rd.
Bottom 2 Meyers hits a fly ball towards center. McCarthy makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 2 Caratini hits a ground ball, base hit into center field. Pena moves to 2nd.
Bottom 2 Pena hits a ground ball, base hit into left field.
Top 2 Marte strikes out swinging.
Top 2 Herrera hits a fly ball towards right. Gamel is there to make the catch. McCarthy scores. That's a sacrifice fly.
Top 2 Perdomo hits a ground ball towards short. Pena throws to second to get Newman. McCarthy moves to 3rd. Perdomo is on 1st.
Top 2 Newman hits a ground ball, base hit into right field. Suarez scores. McCarthy moves to 2nd.
Top 2 McCarthy hits a ground ball, base hit into right field. Suarez moves to 3rd.
Top 2 Suarez hits a ground ball, base hit into right field.
Bottom 1 Bregman hits a line drive towards left field. Grichuk makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 1 Diaz strikes out swinging.
Bottom 1 Alvarez hits a line drive into left field. That will be extra bases. Alvarez is safe at second with a double.
Bottom 1 Altuve hits a popup towards short. Perdomo makes the catch for the out.
Top 1 Walker strikes out swinging.
Top 1 Grichuk hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Top 1 Carroll strikes out swinging.
Top 1 Marte hits a popup towards third. Bregman makes the catch for the out.