Mets @ Rangers
June 18, 2024

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Bottom 5 R H E
Mets 2 3 0
Rangers 1 5 0
Bottom 5 R H E
Mets 2 3 0
Rangers 2 6 0

Corey Seager Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .000 .257
OBP .000 .347
At Bats 2 237
Hits 0 61
• Singles 0 42
• Doubles 0 5
• Triples 0 0
• Home Runs 0 14
Walks 0 32
RBI’s 1 35

Luis Severino Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
0 0 0
Globe Life Field - June 18, 2024
Luis Severino
Francisco alvarez
Pete Alonso
Jeff McNeil
Mark Vientos
Francisco Lindor
Brandon Nimmo
Harrison Bader
Starling Marte
Corey Seager
Leody Taveras
Ezequiel Duran
Count: 0-0, 1 Out
Count: 0-0, 1 Out

Seager hits a ground ball, base hit into left field. Duran scores. Taveras moves to 3rd.

Bottom 5 Semien hits a line drive towards short. Lindor makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 Taveras hits a ground ball, base hit into center field. Duran moves to 2nd.
Bottom 5 Duran hits a line drive, base hit into center field.
Top 5 Lindor hits a popup, in foul territory, off the first base line. Lowe makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Bader hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Bader is out. Vientos scores. McNeil moves to 2nd.
Top 5 McNeil hits a ground ball towards first. Lowe throws to second to get alvarez. Vientos moves to 3rd. McNeil is on 1st.
Top 5 alvarez hits a ground ball, base hit into left field. Vientos moves to 2nd.
Top 5 Vientos hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Bottom 4 Heim hits a ground ball towards first. Alonso fields it and makes the out, unassisted.
Bottom 4
Bottom 4 Langford hits a fly ball towards right. Marte is there to make the catch.
Bottom 4 Lowe hits a line drive into left field. That will be extra bases. Lowe is safe at second with a double.
Top 4 Marte hits a line drive deep towards right center field. Taveras is there to make the catch.
Top 4 That is ball 4. Alonso is on with a walk.
Top 4 Martinez hits a fly ball towards center. Taveras makes the catch for the out.
Top 4 Nimmo hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Nimmo is out.
Bottom 3 Smith hits a fly ball towards left. Nimmo makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 3 Seager hits a ground ball towards first. Alonso fields it and makes the out, unassisted. Duran scores. Semien moves to 3rd.
Bottom 3 There's a wild pitch. Duran moves to 3rd. Semien moves to 2nd.
Bottom 3 That is ball 4. Semien is on with a walk. Duran moves to 2nd.
Bottom 3 Taveras hits a fly ball towards center. Bader makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 3 Duran hits a ball towards third. Vientos can't make the play in time. Duran gets a base hit.
Top 3 Lindor hits a ground ball towards first. Lowe fields it and makes the out, unassisted.
Top 3 Bader strikes out swinging.
Top 3 McNeil hits a ground ball towards first. Lowe fields it and makes the out, unassisted.
Bottom 2 Heim hits a popup beyond short. Lindor gets back and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 2 Jankowski is called out on strikes.
Bottom 2 Langford hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Langford is out.
Top 2 alvarez hits a ground ball towards first. Lowe fields it and makes the out, unassisted.
Top 2 Vientos hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. A solo home run.
Top 2 Marte hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Marte is out.
Top 2 Alonso softly hits a ground ball towards first. Lowe fields it and makes the out, unassisted.
Bottom 1 Lowe softly hits a ground ball towards first. Alonso fields it and makes the out, unassisted.
Bottom 1 Smith hits a ground ball, base hit into right field.
Bottom 1 Seager hits a popup beyond third. Vientos gets back and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 1 Semien hits a fly ball towards left. Nimmo makes the catch for the out.
Top 1 Martinez is called out on strikes.
Top 1 Nimmo hits a fly ball towards center. Taveras makes the catch for the out.
Top 1 Lindor hits a popup, foul, off the third base line. Duran makes the catch for the out.