Bottom 3 R H E
White Sox 3 5 1
Red Sox 5 5 0
Bottom 3 R H E
White Sox 3 5 1
Red Sox 5 5 0

Walt Dropo Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .000 .336
OBP .000 .385
At Bats 1 253
Hits 0 85
• Singles 0 52
• Doubles 0 12
• Triples 0 3
• Home Runs 0 18
Walks 0 16
RBI’s 0 78

Howie Judson Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
1 1 0
Fenway Park - July 13, 1950
Howie Judson
Phil Masi
Eddie Robinson
Nellie Fox
Hank Majeski
Chico Carrasquel
Gus Zernial
Dave Philley
Marv Rickert
Walt Dropo
Count:  - , 1 Out
Count:  - , 2 Outs
Very Slow 

Dropo hits a fly ball into left field. Zernial settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.

Bottom 3 Stephens hits a ball on the ground towards third. Majeski fields it and throws to first for the out.
Top 3 Masi strikes out.
Top 3 Majeski strikes out.
Top 3 Philley hits a line drive into right field for a base hit. Robinson moves to third.
Top 3 Zernial strikes out.
Top 3 Robinson hits a line drive into right field for a base hit.
Bottom 2 Vollmer hits a ball on the ground towards short. Carrasquel scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 2 Pesky hits a popup towards third. Majeski settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 2 DiMaggio hits a ball on the ground towards short. Carrasquel scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 2 Rickert hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Doerr scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 2 Carrasquel hits a fly ball into center field. DiMaggio settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 2 Judson hits a line drive towards first. Dropo reaches out and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 1 Nixon strikes out.
Bottom 1 Howie Judson now pitching. Judson fires over to first and throws the ball away. That's an error on Judson. Zarilla scores. That run is unearned.
Bottom 1 Batts hits a line drive into left field for a base hit. Doerr scores. Zarilla moves to third.
Bottom 1 Zarilla hits a line drive into right field for a base hit. Doerr moves to third.
Bottom 1 Doerr takes first base on ball four.
Bottom 1 Dropo hits a line drive towards third. Majeski reaches out and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 1 Stephens hits a long drive deep into left field. That ball is going, going, gone. A two run home run..
Bottom 1 Vollmer hits a line drive into left field, out of the reach of Zernial. Vollmer reaches second base with a double. Pesky scores.
Bottom 1 Pesky hits a line drive into right field, out of the reach of Rickert. Pesky reaches second base with a double.
Bottom 1 DiMaggio hits a fly ball into right field. Rickert settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 1 Fox strikes out.
Top 1 Masi hits a line drive into left field for a base hit. Philley scores. Majeski moves to third.
Top 1 Majeski is hit by the pitch. Philley moves to second.
Top 1 Philley hits a ball on the ground towards short. Stephens fields it and throws to second for the out. Robinson scores.
Top 1 Zernial hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. Carrasquel scores. Robinson moves to third.
Top 1 Robinson takes first base on ball four. Carrasquel moves to second.
Top 1 Rickert strikes out.
Top 1 Carrasquel hits a line drive into right field for a base hit.