Bottom 9 R H E
Cubs 2 6 0
Dodgers 2 9 1
Bottom 9 R H E
Cubs 2 6 0
Dodgers 3 10 1

Roy Campanella Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .333 .274
OBP .500 .379
At Bats 3 266
Hits 1 73
• Singles 1 52
• Doubles 0 10
• Triples 0 0
• Home Runs 0 11
Walks 1 42
RBI’s 0 55

Dutch Leonard Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
2 1 6
Ebbets Field - August 3, 1952
Dutch Leonard
Toby Atwell
Dee Fondy
Bill Serena
Randy Jackson
Roy Smalley
Hank Sauer
Frank Baumholtz
Bob Addis
Roy Campanella
Dick Williams
Jackie Robinson
Rocky Bridges

Final Stats

  Runs Hits Errors LOB
Chicago Cubs 2 6 0 5
Brooklyn Dodgers 3 10 1 13
Winning Pitcher Carl Erskine
Losing Pitcher Turk Lown
Save (none)
Game Winning RBI Roy Campanella
Time of Game 2 hours 29 minutes
Count:  - , 1 Out
Count:  - , 1 Out
Very Slow 

End of Game

Dick Williams pinch runs for Rocky Nelson. Dutch Leonard now pitching. Campanella hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. Bridges scores. Robinson moves to third. Williams moves to second.

Bottom 9 Rocky Nelson pinch hits for Carl Furillo. Nelson takes first base on ball four. Bridges moves to third. Robinson moves to second.
Bottom 9 Robinson is walked intentionally.
Bottom 9 Rocky Bridges pinch runs for Bobby Morgan. Reese bunts towards third. Jackson fields it and throws to first for the out. Bridges moves to second.
Bottom 9 Morgan hits a ball on the ground into left field for a base hit.
Top 9 Jackson hits a ball on the ground towards short. Reese scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 9 Serena hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Robinson settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 9 Atwell hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Robinson scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 9 Sauer hits a long drive deep into left center field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run.
Bottom 8 Erskine strikes out.
Bottom 8 Hodges is walked intentionally.
Bottom 8 Pafko hits a popup, foul, towards first. Fondy settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 8 Snider bunts towards the mound. Lown fields it and throws to first for the out. Campanella moves to second.
Bottom 8 Turk Lown now pitching. Campanella hits a line drive into left field for a base hit.
Top 8 Baumholtz hits a popup towards short. Reese settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 8 Fondy hits a ball on the ground towards first. Hodges fields it and throws to second for the out.
Top 8 Addis hits a ball on the ground into right field for a base hit.
Top 8 Carl Furillo now playing right field. Andy Pafko now playing left field. Phil Cavarretta pinch hits for Johnny Klippstein. Cavarretta strikes out.
Bottom 7 Shuba hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Serena settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 7 There goes Reese. The throw from Atwell and he is safe. Reese steals second.
Bottom 7 Robinson strikes out.
Bottom 7 Reese hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Morgan scores.
Bottom 7 Morgan hits a line drive into left center field, beyond the reach of Baumholtz. Morgan reaches second base with a double.
Bottom 7 Erskine bunts towards third. Jackson settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 7 Smalley hits a fly ball into left field. Shuba settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 7 Jackson hits a ball on the ground towards short. Reese scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 7 Serena hits a fly ball into left field. Shuba settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 6 Hodges strikes out.
Bottom 6 Pafko hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Serena settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 6 Snider hits a line drive into right field for a base hit. Shuba moves to second.
Bottom 6 Campanella hits a line drive into left field. Sauer settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 6 Shuba takes first base on ball four.
Top 6 Atwell hits a popup towards short. Reese settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 6 Sauer hits a line drive into left field, out of the reach of Shuba. Sauer reaches second base with a double. Fondy moves to third.
Top 6 Baumholtz hits a fly ball into right field. Pafko settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 6 Fondy hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Robinson misplays the ball. That's an error on Robinson.
Top 6 Addis hits a ball on the ground towards the mound. Erskine fields it and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 5 Robinson hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Serena settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 There goes Reese. The throw from Atwell and he is safe. Reese steals second.
Bottom 5 Reese hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Serena fields it and throws to second for the out.
Bottom 5 Morgan takes first base on ball four.
Bottom 5 Erskine strikes out.
Top 5 Klippstein strikes out.
Top 5 Smalley takes first base on ball four.
Top 5 Jackson hits a popup towards short. Reese settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Serena hits a ball on the ground towards short. Reese scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 4 Hodges hits a popup, foul, towards third. Jackson settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 4 Pafko hits a line drive into left field for a base hit. Campanella moves to second.
Bottom 4 Snider strikes out.
Bottom 4 Campanella takes first base on ball four.
Bottom 4 Shuba hits a ball on the ground towards short. Smalley scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 4 Atwell hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Robinson scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 4 Sauer hits a ball on the ground towards third. Morgan fields it and throws to first for the out.
Top 4 Baumholtz strikes out.
Bottom 3 Robinson hits a fly ball into center field. Baumholtz settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 3 Reese hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Serena settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 3 Morgan bunts towards first. Fondy fields it and throws to second for the out.
Bottom 3 Erskine bunts towards the mound. Klippstein fields the ball and throws it to first. Safe.
Top 3 There goes Fondy. The throw from Campanella and he is out, Reese applying the tag.
Top 3 Fondy hits a ball on the ground towards the mound. Erskine fields it and throws to second for the out.
Top 3 Addis hits a line drive into left field for a base hit.
Top 3 Klippstein strikes out.
Bottom 2 Hodges hits a ball on the ground towards short. Smalley fields it and throws to second for the out.
Bottom 2 Pafko hits a ball on the ground towards third. Jackson fields the ball and throws it to first. Safe.
Bottom 2 Snider hits a ball on the ground towards short. Smalley scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 2 Campanella hits a ball on the ground towards short. Smalley scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 2 Smalley hits a fly ball into center field. Snider settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 2 Jackson strikes out.
Top 2 Serena strikes out.
Bottom 1 Shuba hits a fly ball into right field. Addis settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 1 Robinson hits a long drive deep into left field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run.
Bottom 1 Reese strikes out.
Bottom 1 Morgan hits a ball on the ground towards short. Smalley scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 1 Atwell hits a ball on the ground towards third. Morgan fields it and throws to second for the out.
Top 1 Sauer hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Robinson fields it and throws to second for the out.
Top 1 Baumholtz hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Addis scores.
Top 1 Fondy strikes out.
Top 1 Addis hits a line drive into left center field, beyond the reach of Snider. Addis reaches second base with a double.
Out of Town Games Scores OFFON








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