Bottom 8 R H E
Padres 9 11 0
Rockies 7 12 0
Bottom 8 R H E
Padres 9 11 0
Rockies 7 12 0

Ezequiel Tovar Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .250 .301
OBP .250 .348
At Bats 4 103
Hits 1 31
• Singles 1 22
• Doubles 0 6
• Triples 0 0
• Home Runs 0 3
Walks 0 6
RBI’s 0 12

Wandy Peralta Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
0 0 0
Coors Field - April 25, 2024
Wandy Peralta
Luis Campusano
Jake Cronenworth
Xander Bogaerts
Eguy Rosario
Ha-Seong Kim
Tyler Wade
Jose Azocar
Fernando Tatis
Ezequiel Tovar
Jacob Stallings
Count: 3-2, 1 Out
Count: 3-2, 1 Out
Very Slow 

That is ball 4. Tovar is on with a walk. Stallings moves to 2nd.

Bottom 8 Stallings hits a line drive, base hit into center field.
Bottom 8 Wandy Peralta replaces Yuki Matsui as Pitcher. Goodman hits a drive into left center field. That ball is out of here. Rodgers scores. Bouchard scores. A 3 run home run.
Bottom 8 Sean Bouchard pinch hits for Jake Cave batting 7th. That is ball 4. Bouchard is on with a walk.
Bottom 8 Rodgers hits a ground ball into right field. That will be extra bases. Rodgers is safe at second with a double.
Bottom 8 Montero hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Montero is out.
Top 8 Tatis strikes out swinging.
Top 8 Bogaerts hits a line drive, base hit into left field.
Top 8 Azocar hits a fly ball towards right. Goodman is there to make the catch.
Top 8 Rosario is picked off first base.
Top 8 Rosario hits a line drive, base hit into center field. Wade scores.
Top 8 There goes Wade , and he's safe at second with a stolen base.
Top 8 Tyler Kinley replaces Nick Mears as Pitcher. Wade hits a ground ball, base hit into right field.
Bottom 7 Diaz hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Diaz is out.
Bottom 7 Yuki Matsui replaces Enyel De Los Santos as Pitcher. McMahon strikes out swinging.
Bottom 7 Doyle strikes out swinging.
Top 7 Campusano strikes out swinging.
Top 7 Kim is called out on strikes.
Top 7 Profar hits a drive into right field. That ball is out of here. Cronenworth scores. A 2 run home run.
Top 7 Cronenworth hits a ground ball, base hit into right field.
Top 7 Nick Mears replaces Peter Lambert as Pitcher. Tatis hits a line drive towards short. Tovar makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 6 Tovar strikes out swinging.
Bottom 6 Stallings strikes out swinging.
Bottom 6 Enyel De Los Santos replaces Jhony Brito as Pitcher. Goodman strikes out swinging.
Bottom 6 Cave hits a ball towards first. Cronenworth can't make the play in time. Cave gets a base hit. Rodgers moves to 2nd.
Bottom 6 Rodgers hits a ball towards third. Rosario can't make the play in time. Rodgers gets a base hit.
Top 6 Bogaerts hits a fly ball towards right. Goodman is there to make the catch.
Top 6 Azocar hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Azocar is out.
Top 6 Rosario hits a short popup towards 1st. Montero makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 Montero hits a line drive deep towards center. Azocar makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 Diaz hits a popup towards first. Cronenworth makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 McMahon hits a ground ball towards the mound. Brito throws to first, and McMahon is out. Doyle moves to 3rd.
Bottom 5 There goes Doyle , and he's safe at second with a stolen base.
Bottom 5 Doyle hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Top 5 Wade hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Wade is out.
Top 5 Campusano hits a line drive deep towards right. Goodman is there to make the catch.
Top 5 Kim softly hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Kim is out.
Bottom 4 Tovar hits a fly ball towards center. Azocar makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 4 Stallings softly hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Stallings is out.
Bottom 4 Goodman hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Goodman is out.
Top 4 Profar hits a fly ball towards center. Doyle makes the catch for the out.
Top 4 Peter Lambert replaces Dakota Hudson as Pitcher. Cronenworth hits a line drive towards right. Goodman is there to make the catch. Azocar scores. Bogaerts moves to 3rd. That's a sacrifice fly.
Top 4 Tatis is called out on strikes.
Top 4 Bogaerts hits a double. Rosario scores. Azocar moves to 3rd.
Top 4 Azocar hits a ground ball, base hit into left field. Rosario moves to 2nd.
Top 4 That is ball 4. Rosario is on with a walk.
Bottom 3 Jhony Brito replaces Randy Vasquez as Pitcher. Cave hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Cave is out.
Bottom 3 That is ball 4. Rodgers is on with a walk.
Bottom 3 Montero hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. Doyle scores. A 2 run home run.
Bottom 3 Diaz hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Diaz is out. Tovar scores. Doyle moves to 3rd.
Bottom 3 McMahon hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and McMahon is out. Tovar moves to 3rd. Doyle moves to 2nd.
Bottom 3 That is ball 4. Doyle is on with a walk. Tovar moves to 2nd.
Bottom 3 Tovar hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Top 3 Wade strikes out swinging.
Top 3 Campusano strikes out swinging.
Top 3 Kim hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. Profar scores. A 2 run home run.
Top 3 Profar hits a ground ball, base hit into center field. Tatis scores.
Top 3 Cronenworth hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Cronenworth is out. Tatis moves to 3rd.
Top 3 Tatis hits a line drive into left field. That will be extra bases. Tatis is safe at second with a double.
Bottom 2 Stallings hits a ground ball to short. There's the throw to second for one, and over to first, double play.
Bottom 2 Goodman hits a fly ball towards right. Tatis is there to make the catch.
Bottom 2 Cave hits a ground ball, base hit into right field. Rodgers moves to 2nd.
Bottom 2 Rodgers hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Top 2 Bogaerts softly hits a ground ball towards first. Montero fields it and makes the out, unassisted.
Top 2 Azocar hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Azocar is out. Campusano scores. Wade moves to 3rd.
Top 2 Rosario bunts down the 3rd base line. McMahon scoops up the ball and throws to first for the out. Campusano moves to 3rd. Wade moves to 2nd.
Top 2 That is ball 4. Wade is on with a walk. Campusano moves to 2nd.
Top 2 Campusano hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Bottom 1 Montero strikes out swinging.
Bottom 1 Diaz hits a line drive towards center. Azocar makes the catch for the out. Doyle scores. That's a sacrifice fly.
Bottom 1 McMahon hits a ground ball, base hit into right field. Doyle moves to 3rd.
Bottom 1 There goes Doyle , and he's safe at second with a stolen base.
Bottom 1 Doyle hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Bottom 1 Tovar is called out on strikes.
Top 1 Kim hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Kim is out.
Top 1 That is ball 4. Profar is on with a walk. Cronenworth moves to 2nd.
Top 1 That is ball 4. Cronenworth is on with a walk.
Top 1 Tatis hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Tatis is out.
Top 1 Bogaerts strikes out swinging.
Out of Town Games Scores OFFON




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