Marlins @ Athletics
May 4, 2024

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Bottom 8 R H E
Marlins 3 5 1
Athletics 16 17 1
Bottom 8 R H E
Marlins 3 5 1
Athletics 16 17 1

Abraham Toro Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .400 .269
OBP .400 .321
At Bats 5 104
Hits 2 28
• Singles 2 18
• Doubles 0 6
• Triples 0 1
• Home Runs 0 3
Walks 0 6
RBI’s 2 14
RingCentral Coliseum - May 4, 2024
Emmanuel Rivera
Nick Fortes
Emmanuel Rivera
Nick Gordon
Otto Lopez
Vidal Brujan
Bryan De La Cruz
Dane Myers
Jesus Sanchez
Abraham Toro
Count: 1-1, 1 Out
Count: 1-1, 1 Out

Toro is hit by the pitch. Toro is on 1st.

Bottom 8 Emmanuel Rivera moves from 1st Baseman to P Jonah Bride replaces Christian Bethancourt as 1st Baseman batting 3rd. Nevin hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Nevin is out.
Top 8 Bethancourt hits a popup towards short. Hernaiz makes the catch for the out.
Top 8 De La Cruz hits a drive into right center field. That ball is gone. Myers scores. A 2 run home run.
Top 8 That is ball 4. Myers is on with a walk.
Top 8 Fortes hits a line drive deep towards left center field. Brown is there and makes the catch.
Top 8 Dany Jimenez replaces Paul Blackburn as Pitcher. Rivera strikes out swinging.
Bottom 7 Brown is called out on strikes.
Bottom 7 Harris hits a popup, in foul territory, off the first base line. Rivera makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 7 Bleday hits a line drive into right center field. That will be extra bases. Bleday is safe at second with a double. Langeliers scores.
Bottom 7 Force Play Challenged by MIA manager (Skip Schumaker): Original call upheld upon review. Hernaiz hits a popup, in foul territory, off the first base line. Rivera makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 7 Langeliers hits a ball towards short. Brujan can't make the play in time. Langeliers gets a base hit.
Top 7 Brujan hits a ground ball to third. There's the throw to second for one, and over to first, double play.
Top 7 That is ball 4. Lopez is on with a walk.
Top 7 Gordon strikes out swinging.
Top 7 Tyler Nevin moves from Rightfielder to 1st Baseman. Lawrence Butler moves from Pinch Hitter to Rightfielder. Sanchez hits a line drive into left center field. That will be extra bases. Sanchez is safe at second with a double.
Bottom 6 Lawrence Butler pinch hits for J.D. Davis batting 5th. Butler hits a fly ball towards right. Sanchez is there to make the catch.
Bottom 6 Rooker hits a ground ball, base hit into left field. Nevin moves to 2nd.
Bottom 6 Toro hits a line drive deep towards right center field. Sanchez is there to make the catch.
Bottom 6 That is ball 4. Nevin is on with a walk.
Bottom 6 Brown hits a fly ball towards left. De La Cruz makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 6 Harris hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. Bleday scores. A 2 run home run.
Bottom 6 Otto Lopez replaces Tim Anderson as 3rd Baseman batting 6th. Vidal Brujan moves from 3rd Baseman to Shortstop. Dane Myers moves from Pinch Hitter to Centerfielder. Bleday hits a ground ball, base hit into right field.
Top 6 Seth Brown replaces Esteury Ruiz as Left Fielder batting 1st. Christian Bethancourt pinch hits for Josh Bell batting 3rd. Bethancourt hits a popup towards second. Toro makes the catch for the out.
Top 6 De La Cruz hits a fly ball towards left. Ruiz makes the catch for the out.
Top 6 Dane Myers pinch hits for Jazz Chisholm batting 1st. Myers strikes out swinging.
Top 6 Fortes hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. A solo home run.
Bottom 5 Hernaiz hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Hernaiz is out.
Bottom 5 Langeliers hits a ground ball towards second. Gordon throws to second to get Rooker. Langeliers is on 1st.
Bottom 5 Davis hits a fly ball towards center. Chisholm makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 That is ball 4. Rooker is on with a walk.
Top 5 Rivera hits a popup beyond second. Toro gets back and makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Brujan hits a line drive deep towards left. Ruiz makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Anderson hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Anderson is out.
Bottom 4 Toro hits a popup towards short. Anderson makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 4 Tag play Challenged by MIA manager (Skip Schumaker): Original call overturned as shown. Nevin strikes out swinging.
Bottom 4 Ruiz hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Ruiz is out.
Bottom 4 Harris hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. A solo home run.
Top 4 Gordon hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Gordon is out.
Top 4 Sanchez hits a line drive towards third. Harris makes the catch for the out.
Top 4 Bell hits a ground ball, base hit into right field. De La Cruz moves to 3rd.
Top 4 De La Cruz hits a ground ball, base hit into left field. De La Cruz moves to 2nd on an error by Ruiz.
Top 4 Chisholm softly hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Chisholm is out.
Bottom 3 Bleday softly hits a ground ball towards the mound. McCaughan throws to first, and Bleday is out.
Bottom 3 Hernaiz hits a fly ball towards left. De La Cruz makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 3 Langeliers is hit by the pitch. Davis moves to 2nd. Langeliers is on 1st.
Bottom 3 Davis hits a ground ball, base hit into left field.
Bottom 3 Rooker hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. Nevin scores. Toro scores. A 3 run home run.
Bottom 3 Toro hits a line drive, base hit into center field. Harris scores. Ruiz scores. Nevin moves to 2nd.
Bottom 3 That is ball 4. Nevin is on with a walk. Harris moves to 3rd. Ruiz moves to 2nd.
Bottom 3 Darren McCaughan replaces Trevor Rogers as Pitcher. Ruiz is hit by the pitch. Harris moves to 2nd. Ruiz is on 1st.
Bottom 3 That is ball 4. Harris is on with a walk.
Bottom 3 Bleday hits a drive into right center field. That ball is gone. Davis scores. Hernaiz scores. A 3 run home run.
Bottom 3 Hernaiz hits a ground ball, base hit into center field. Davis moves to 2nd.
Bottom 3 Langeliers strikes out swinging.
Bottom 3 Davis hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Bottom 3 Rooker hits a drive into left field. That ball is gone. Toro scores. A 2 run home run.
Bottom 3 Toro hits a ground ball, base hit into left field.
Top 3 Fortes hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Fortes is out.
Top 3 Rivera hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Rivera is out.
Top 3 Brujan hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Brujan is out.
Bottom 2 Nevin hits a ground ball to short. There's the throw to second for one, and over to first, double play.
Bottom 2 Ruiz hits a ground ball, base hit into center field. Hernaiz scores. Bleday moves to 3rd. Harris moves to 2nd.
Bottom 2 Harris hits a ground ball towards third. Brujan has it, but juggles the ball. Harris reaches on the error. Hernaiz moves to 3rd. Bleday moves to 2nd. Harris is on 1st.
Bottom 2 That is ball 4. Bleday is on with a walk. Hernaiz moves to 2nd.
Bottom 2 Hernaiz hits a ground ball, base hit into right field. Langeliers scores.
Bottom 2 Langeliers hits a fly ball into right center field. That ball is in the gap. Langeliers rounds second base and makes it to third with a triple
Bottom 2 Davis hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Davis is out.
Top 2 Anderson hits a line drive towards right. Nevin is there to make the catch.
Top 2 Gordon hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Gordon is out.
Top 2 Sanchez hits a ground ball towards the mound. Blackburn throws to first, and Sanchez is out.
Bottom 1 Rooker hits a ground ball towards short. Anderson throws to second to get Toro.
Bottom 1 Toro hits a ground ball towards third. Brujan throws to second to get Nevin. Toro is on 1st.
Bottom 1 That is ball 4. Nevin is on with a walk.
Bottom 1 Ruiz hits a fly ball towards right. Sanchez is there to make the catch.
Top 1 Bell hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Bell is out.
Top 1 De La Cruz strikes out swinging.
Top 1 Chisholm hits a fly ball towards center. Bleday makes the catch for the out.