Bottom 8 R H E
Cardinals 7 13 0
Pirates 4 7 0
Bottom 8 R H E
Cardinals 7 13 0
Pirates 4 7 0

Andrew McCutchen Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .333 .230
OBP .333 .329
At Bats 3 270
Hits 1 62
• Singles 0 42
• Doubles 0 7
• Triples 0 1
• Home Runs 1 12
Walks 0 35
RBI’s 1 25

JoJo Romero Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
0 0 0
PNC Park - July 2, 2024
JoJo Romero
Willson Contreras
Paul Goldschmidt
Nolan Gorman
Nolan Arenado
Masyn Winn
Brendan Donovan
Mike Siani
Dylan Carlson
Andrew McCutchen
Count: 0-0, 0 Outs
Count: 0-0, 1 Out
Very Slow 

JoJo Romero replaces Ryan Fernandez as Pitcher. Dylan Carlson replaces Alec Burleson as Right Fielder batting 2nd. McCutchen hits a line drive deep towards right. Carlson is there to make the catch.

Top 8 Burleson is called out on strikes.
Top 8 Winn hits a ground ball, base hit into right field.
Top 8 Siani hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Siani is out.
Top 8 Gorman strikes out swinging.
Bottom 7 Grandal hits a ground ball to short. Winn steps on second for one, and over to first, double play.
Bottom 7 Suwinski hits a ground ball, base hit into right field.
Bottom 7 Hayes hits a ground ball towards the mound. Fernandez throws to first, and Hayes is out.
Top 7 Carpenter strikes out swinging.
Top 7 Arenado hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Arenado is out.
Top 7 Donovan hits a line drive, base hit into center field. Goldschmidt scores.
Top 7 Goldschmidt hits a line drive into right field. That will be extra bases. Goldschmidt is safe at second with a double.
Top 7 Luis Ortiz replaces Josh Fleming as Pitcher. Connor Joe moves from Rightfielder to 1st Baseman. Edward Olivares moves from Pinch Hitter to Rightfielder. Contreras strikes out swinging.
Bottom 6 Ryan Fernandez replaces John King as Pitcher. Gonzales hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Gonzales is out.
Bottom 6 Olivares strikes out swinging.
Bottom 6 Edward Olivares pinch hits for Rowdy Tellez batting 5th. King commits a balk. Joe moves to 2nd.
Bottom 6 Joe hits a ball towards third. Arenado can't make the play in time. Joe gets a base hit.
Bottom 6 John King replaces Kyle Gibson as Pitcher. Cruz hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Cruz is out.
Top 6 Burleson hits a line drive deep towards center. Suwinski makes the catch for the out.
Top 6 Winn hits a ground ball towards the mound. Fleming throws to first, and Winn is out. Siani moves to 2nd.
Top 6 Siani hits a ground ball towards the mound. Fleming throws to second to get Gorman. Siani is on 1st.
Top 6 Josh Fleming replaces Mitch Keller as Pitcher. Gorman hits a ground ball, base hit into center field.
Bottom 5 Reynolds hits a line drive deep towards left. Donovan makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 McCutchen hits a drive into center field. Going, going, gone. A solo home run.
Bottom 5 Grandal hits a line drive towards short. Winn makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 Suwinski hits a drive into right center field. That ball is gone. Tellez scores. Gonzales scores. A 3 run home run.
Bottom 5 Hayes hits a fly ball towards center. Siani makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 Gonzales hits a line drive, base hit into left field. Tellez moves to 2nd.
Bottom 5 Tellez hits a ball towards third. Arenado can't make the play in time. Tellez gets a base hit.
Top 5 Carpenter strikes out swinging.
Top 5 Arenado hits a ground ball towards short. The throw to first, and Arenado is out.
Top 5 Donovan hits a line drive deep towards center. Suwinski makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Goldschmidt hits a ground ball into left field. That will be extra bases. Goldschmidt is safe at second with a double.
Bottom 4 Joe strikes out swinging.
Bottom 4 Cruz is called out on strikes.
Bottom 4 Reynolds strikes out swinging.
Top 4 Contreras hits a line drive into right field. That will be extra bases. Contreras is safe at second with a double.
Top 4 Burleson hits a line drive, base hit into left field.
Top 4 Winn strikes out swinging.
Top 4 Siani is called out on strikes.
Top 4 Gorman hits a drive into left center field. That ball is out of here. Donovan scores. Arenado scores. Carpenter scores. A grand slam home run.
Top 4 Carpenter hits a ground ball, base hit into left field. Donovan moves to 3rd. Arenado moves to 2nd.
Top 4 Grandal is called for interference on Arenado. Donovan moves to 2nd. Arenado is on 1st.
Top 4 Donovan hits a line drive, base hit into center field.
Bottom 3 McCutchen softly hits a ground ball towards first. There's the throw to Gibson covering, and McCutchen is out.
Bottom 3 Grandal hits a ground ball to second. There's the throw to second for one, and over to first, double play.
Bottom 3 Suwinski hits a ground ball, base hit into right field.
Top 3 Goldschmidt hits a fly ball towards right. Joe is there to make the catch.
Top 3 Contreras hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Contreras is out.
Top 3 Burleson hits a drive into right field. That ball is out of here. Winn scores. A 2 run home run.
Top 3 Winn hits a drive into right field. That ball bounces into the stands for a ground rule double.
Top 3 Siani hits a ground ball towards the mound. Keller throws to first, and Siani is out.
Bottom 2 Hayes strikes out swinging.
Bottom 2 Gonzales strikes out swinging.
Bottom 2 Tellez is called out on strikes.
Top 2 Gorman is called out on strikes.
Top 2 Carpenter hits a ground ball towards third. The throw to first, and Carpenter is out. Donovan moves to 2nd.
Top 2 Arenado hits a fly ball towards left. Reynolds makes the catch for the out.
Top 2 Donovan hits a ground ball, base hit into right field.
Bottom 1 Joe is called out on strikes.
Bottom 1 There's a passed ball. Cruz moves to 2nd.
Bottom 1 That is ball 4. Cruz is on with a walk.
Bottom 1 Reynolds hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Reynolds is out.
Bottom 1 McCutchen strikes out swinging.
Top 1 Hit by Pitch Challenged by PIT manager (Derek Shelton): Original call upheld upon review. Goldschmidt hits a ground ball towards third. Hayes throws to second to get Contreras.
Top 1 Contreras is hit by the pitch. Contreras is on 1st.
Top 1 Burleson strikes out swinging.
Top 1 Winn hits a ground ball towards second. The throw to first, and Winn is out.
Out of Town Games Scores OFFON


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