@ Reds
Great American Ballpark
September 5, 2014
Top 1
Mets, 0 - Reds, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Lagares vs. Simon
Lagares strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 0 - Reds, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
den Dekker vs. Simon
den Dekker takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Mets, 0 - Reds, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 2-1, RoB: 1--
Wright vs. Simon
Wright hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. den Dekker moves to third. View Play -
Mets, 0 - Reds, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 1-1, RoB: 1-3
Duda vs. Simon
There goes Wright. The throw from Mesoraco and he is safe. Wright steals second. View Play -
Mets, 0 - Reds, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: -23
Duda vs. Simon
Duda strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 0 - Reds, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 2-1, RoB: -23
d'Arnaud vs. Simon
d'Arnaud hits a line drive into left field for a base hit. den Dekker scores. Wright moves to third. View Play -
Mets, 1 - Reds, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 3-2, RoB: 1-3
Granderson vs. Simon
Granderson hits a line drive into left field, out of the reach of Bourgeois. Granderson reaches second base with a double. Wright scores. d'Arnaud moves to third. View Play -
Mets, 2 - Reds, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 1-2, RoB: -23
Herrera vs. Simon
Herrera hits a fly ball into right field. Bruce settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Bottom 1
Mets, 2 - Reds, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Hamilton vs. Colon
Hamilton strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 2 - Reds, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Frazier vs. Colon
Frazier hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. Lagares throws the ball in to Herrera who tags Frazier trying to catch an extra base, for the out. View Play -
Mets, 2 - Reds, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 0-1, RoB: ---
Mesoraco vs. Colon
Mesoraco hits a long drive deep into left field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run. View Play -
Mets, 2 - Reds, 1
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
Bruce vs. Colon
Bruce hits a line drive towards first. Duda reaches out and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Top 2
Mets, 2 - Reds, 1
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Flores vs. Simon
Flores hits a line drive into right field, out of the reach of Bruce. Flores reaches second base with a double. View Play -
Mets, 2 - Reds, 1
Outs: 0, Count: 2-1, RoB: -2-
Colon vs. Simon
Colon hits a ball on the ground towards short. Santiago fields it and throws to third to get the runner. Flores is safe. Flores moves to third. Score that a fielder's choice. View Play -
Mets, 2 - Reds, 1
Outs: 0, Count: 1-1, RoB: 1-3
Lagares vs. Simon
Lagares hits a ball on the ground towards third. Frazier fields it and throws to home to get Flores. Colon moves to second. Score that a fielder's choice. View Play -
Mets, 2 - Reds, 1
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: 12-
den Dekker vs. Simon
den Dekker strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 2 - Reds, 1
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: 12-
Wright vs. Simon
Wright hits a ball on the ground into right field for a base hit. Colon moves to third. Lagares moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 2 - Reds, 1
Outs: 2, Count: 3-2, RoB: 123
Duda vs. Simon
Duda takes first base on ball four. Colon scores. Lagares moves to third. Wright moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 1
Outs: 2, Count: 1-2, RoB: 123
d'Arnaud vs. Simon
d'Arnaud hits a ball on the ground towards short. Santiago fields it and throws to second for the out. View Play
Bottom 2
Mets, 3 - Reds, 1
Outs: 0, Count: 1-0, RoB: ---
Phillips vs. Colon
Phillips hits a popup beyond second. Herrera can't reach the ball in time. That's a base hit. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 1
Outs: 0, Count: 0-1, RoB: 1--
Pena vs. Colon
Pena hits a ball on the ground into right field for a base hit. Phillips moves to third. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 1
Outs: 0, Count: 1-0, RoB: 1-3
Bourgeois vs. Colon
Bourgeois hits a ball on the ground towards the mound. Colon juggles the ball. That's an error on Colon. Phillips scores. Pena moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 2-1, RoB: 12-
Santiago vs. Colon
Santiago hits a line drive into right field. Granderson settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 2-0, RoB: 12-
Simon vs. Colon
Simon bunts towards the mound. Colon fields it and throws to first for the out. Pena moves to third. Bourgeois moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 2-1, RoB: -23
Hamilton vs. Colon
Hamilton hits a ball on the ground towards third. Wright fields it and throws to first for the out. View Play
Top 3
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Granderson vs. Simon
Granderson strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Herrera vs. Simon
Herrera hits a ball on the ground towards third. Frazier picks it up and throws it away. That's a base hit and an error on Frazier. Herrera moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 0-2, RoB: -2-
Flores vs. Simon
Flores hits a ball on the ground towards third. Frazier fields it and throws to first for the out. Herrera moves to third. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: --3
Colon vs. Simon
Colon hits a ball on the ground towards third. Frazier fields it and throws to first for the out. View Play
Bottom 3
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 0-1, RoB: ---
Frazier vs. Colon
Frazier hits a ball on the ground into left field for a base hit. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 3-1, RoB: 1--
Mesoraco vs. Colon
Mesoraco hits a fly ball into left field. den Dekker settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 1-1, RoB: 1--
Bruce vs. Colon
Bruce hits a fly ball into left field. den Dekker settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: 1--
Phillips vs. Colon
There goes Frazier. The throw from Colon and he is out, Herrera applying the tag. View Play
Top 4
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Lagares vs. Simon
Lagares hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 2-2, RoB: 1--
den Dekker vs. Simon
den Dekker hits a ball on the ground towards the mound. Simon fields it and throws to first for the out. Lagares moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 1-2, RoB: -2-
Wright vs. Simon
Wright strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 3-0, RoB: -2-
Duda vs. Simon
Duda is walked intentionally. View Play -
Mets, 3 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: 12-
d'Arnaud vs. Simon
d'Arnaud hits a long drive deep into left field. That ball is going, going, gone. A three run home run. View Play -
Mets, 6 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 0-1, RoB: ---
Granderson vs. Simon
Granderson hits a ball on the ground towards first. Pena scoops up the ball, races to the bag, and beats Granderson for the out. View Play
Bottom 4
Mets, 6 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 1-1, RoB: ---
Phillips vs. Colon
Phillips hits a ball on the ground towards short. Flores scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Mets, 6 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Pena vs. Colon
Pena hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. View Play -
Mets, 6 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 0-1, RoB: 1--
Bourgeois vs. Colon
Bourgeois hits a line drive into center field. Lagares settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 6 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 3-1, RoB: 1--
Santiago vs. Colon
Santiago takes first base on ball four. Pena moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 6 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 3-2, RoB: 12-
Lutz vs. Colon
Donald Lutz pinch hits for Alfredo Simon.
Lutz strikes out. View Play
Top 5
Mets, 6 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Herrera vs. Hoover
J.J. Hoover now pitching.
Herrera strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 6 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 1-1, RoB: ---
Flores vs. Hoover
Flores hits a long drive deep into left field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run. View Play -
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
Colon vs. Hoover
Colon hits a popup, foul, towards first. Pena settles under it and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Lagares vs. Hoover
Lagares hits a ball on the ground towards third. Frazier fields it and throws to first for the out. View Play
Bottom 5
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
Hamilton vs. Colon
Hamilton bunts towards third. Wright fields the ball and throws it to first. Safe. View Play -
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 0-0, RoB: 1--
Frazier vs. Colon
Frazier hits a ball on the ground towards third. Wright fields it and throws to first for the out. Hamilton moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 0-0, RoB: -2-
Mesoraco vs. Colon
Mesoraco hits a fly ball into left field. den Dekker settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 1-2, RoB: -2-
Bruce vs. Colon
Bruce hits a fly ball into center field. Lagares settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Top 6
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
den Dekker vs. Dennick
Ryan Dennick now pitching.
den Dekker bunts towards the mound. Dennick fields it and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 1-1, RoB: ---
Wright vs. Dennick
Wright hits a line drive into right field for a base hit. View Play -
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 1-1, RoB: 1--
Duda vs. Dennick
Duda hits a popup towards third. Frazier settles under it and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 2-1, RoB: 1--
d'Arnaud vs. Dennick
d'Arnaud hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. Wright moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 7 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 3-1, RoB: 12-
Granderson vs. Dennick
Granderson hits a long drive deep into right field. That ball is going, going, gone. A three run home run. View Play -
Mets, 10 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 1-1, RoB: ---
Herrera vs. Dennick
Herrera hits a ball on the ground towards short. Santiago fields the ball and throws it to first. Safe. View Play -
Mets, 10 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 1-0, RoB: 1--
Flores vs. Ondrusek
Logan Ondrusek now pitching.
Flores hits a fly ball into right field. Bruce settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Bottom 6
Mets, 10 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
Phillips vs. Colon
Phillips hits a line drive into center field. Lagares settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 10 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Pena vs. Colon
Pena hits a line drive into left field. den Dekker settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 10 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
Bourgeois vs. Colon
Bourgeois hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Herrera scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play
Top 7
Mets, 10 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Colon vs. Ondrusek
Colon strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 10 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Lagares vs. Ondrusek
Lagares hits a ball on the ground towards third. Frazier fields it and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Mets, 10 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 3-1, RoB: ---
den Dekker vs. Ondrusek
den Dekker takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Mets, 10 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 2-1, RoB: 1--
Wright vs. Ondrusek
Wright hits a line drive into left field, out of the reach of Bourgeois. Wright reaches second base with a double. den Dekker goes all the way around to score. View Play -
Mets, 11 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 3-1, RoB: -2-
Duda vs. Ondrusek
Duda takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Mets, 11 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 3-2, RoB: 12-
d'Arnaud vs. Ondrusek
d'Arnaud takes first base on ball four. Wright moves to third. Duda moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 11 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 2-2, RoB: 123
Granderson vs. Corcino
Daniel Corcino now pitching. Jack Hannahan now playing first base.
Granderson hits a ball on the ground towards first. Hannahan scoops it up and throws to first, with Corcino covering, for the out. View Play
Bottom 7
Mets, 11 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 0-1, RoB: ---
Santiago vs. Colon
Santiago hits a fly ball into center field. Lagares settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 11 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Hannahan vs. Colon
Hannahan hits a fly ball into center field. Lagares settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 11 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 1-1, RoB: ---
Hamilton vs. Colon
Hamilton hits a line drive into left field. den Dekker settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Top 8
Mets, 11 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
Herrera vs. Corcino
Herrera hits a long drive deep into left field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run. View Play -
Mets, 12 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Flores vs. Corcino
Flores hits a line drive into left field. Bourgeois settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 12 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 2-1, RoB: ---
Campbell vs. Corcino
Eric Campbell pinch hits for Bartolo Colon.
Campbell hits a line drive into left field for a base hit. View Play -
Mets, 12 - Reds, 2
Outs: 1, Count: 3-1, RoB: 1--
Lagares vs. Corcino
Lagares hits a fly ball into center field. Hamilton settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 12 - Reds, 2
Outs: 2, Count: 2-1, RoB: 1--
den Dekker vs. Corcino
den Dekker hits a ball on the ground between the mound and first base. Corcino scoops up the ball, races to the bag, and beats den Dekker for the out. View Play
Bottom 8
Mets, 12 - Reds, 2
Outs: 0, Count: 1-0, RoB: ---
Frazier vs. Carlyle
Buddy Carlyle now pitching. Eric Campbell now playing third base.
Frazier hits a long drive deep into center field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run. View Play -
Mets, 12 - Reds, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Mesoraco vs. Carlyle
Mesoraco hits a ball on the ground towards short. Flores scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Mets, 12 - Reds, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 1-0, RoB: ---
Bruce vs. Carlyle
Bruce hits a line drive into center field. Lagares settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 12 - Reds, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 1-1, RoB: ---
Phillips vs. Carlyle
Phillips hits a line drive towards third. Campbell reaches out and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Top 9
Mets, 12 - Reds, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 0-1, RoB: ---
Satin vs. Corcino
Josh Satin pinch hits for Buddy Carlyle.
Satin is hit by the pitch. View Play -
Mets, 12 - Reds, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 0-2, RoB: 1--
Duda vs. Corcino
There's a wild pitch. Satin moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 12 - Reds, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: -2-
Duda vs. Corcino
Duda hits a long drive deep into center field. That ball is going, going, gone. A two run home run.. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 1-1, RoB: ---
Centeno vs. Corcino
Juan Centeno pinch hits for Travis d'Arnaud.
Centeno hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 3-2, RoB: 1--
Granderson vs. Corcino
Granderson strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 3-2, RoB: 1--
Herrera vs. Corcino
Herrera takes first base on ball four. Centeno moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 1-0, RoB: 12-
Flores vs. Contreras
Carlos Contreras now pitching.
Flores hits a line drive into left field. Bourgeois settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 2-2, RoB: 12-
Campbell vs. Contreras
Campbell strikes out. View Play
Bottom 9
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Heisey vs. Goeddel
Josh Satin now playing first base. Erik Goeddel now pitching. Juan Centeno now catching. Kirk Nieuwenhuis now playing right field. Chris Heisey p
Heisey hits a line drive into left field for a base hit. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 2-1, RoB: 1--
Bourgeois vs. Goeddel
Bourgeois hits a line drive into center field. Lagares settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 0-0, RoB: 1--
Santiago vs. Goeddel
Santiago hits a line drive beyond second. Herrera can't hold onto the ball. That's a base hit. Heisey moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 1-1, RoB: 12-
Hannahan vs. Goeddel
There's a wild pitch. Heisey moves to third. Santiago moves to second. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 2-1, RoB: -23
Hannahan vs. Goeddel
Hannahan hits a line drive into right field for a base hit. Heisey scores. Santiago scores. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 5
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: 1--
Hamilton vs. Goeddel
Hamilton strikes out. View Play -
Mets, 14 - Reds, 5
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: 1--
Frazier vs. Goeddel
Frazier hits a popup towards first. Satin settles under it and makes the catch for the out. View Play